Tips to keep your babies healthy during rainy seasons

Tips to keep your babies healthy during rainy seasons

Monsoons may become tough for babies if not properly cared.

At rainy season, you need to give a little more care for your baby’s health because at this season, their immunity becomes weak and there is a high chance of getting diseases. Babies need more warmth and comfort at cold weathers or else they get distracted and it may affect their sleeping habits. If you are a new parent, we will give you some tips to keep your babies healthy during rainy seasons. And find out some best baby care products in Dubai from our online store.

Keep cotton cloths and sweaters for them

Babies need to be kept warm at cold weathers. Get them cotton clothes to wear and if you feel they might shiver at times of harsh weathers, use baby sweaters and woolen caps for comfort.

Personal Hygiene

At monsoons, you need to keep your babies more hygienic as the humid weather causes dirt and sweat to get accumulated, which in turn gets infectious. Therefore give your baby a warm water bath, twice a day, with chemical-free baby products for hair and skin.

Provide them with healthy food and warm water

Always be careful to give your babies healthy and fresh foods during rainy seasons. Simple and easily digested foods are best for the season and give them only warm water to drink. It is recommended to avoid tinned and processed for babies as they may cause indigestion at times of cold weathers. Also watch out for food allergies and water contaminations, which if caused can lead to typhoid, diarrhea, fever or other medical conditions.

Avoid travelling with your kids during rainy season if it is not necessary

At Monsoons, travelling with kids is challenging. You need to arrange every possible resources for their comfort in the vehicle and some kids gets distracted easily especially on a long journey. Moreover at rainy season, it’s not that safe to travel with small kids as the monsoon shower is not that predictable. Therefore, if possible avoid travelling with kids during rainy season unless there are urgent situations.

Keep your baby’s room clean

Clean your baby’s room twice a day with a germ-free solution. Make sure his toys and other accessories are clean and sterilize his feeding bottles and utensils after each use. Ask your guests to leave their footwear outside and use sanitizers before touching your kids.

Use Mosquito nets if needed

Mosquitoes carry many disease causing microbes. Therefore keep away your kids from mosquitoes and insects. Use a mosquito net if necessary and use full sleeve clothes for your kids to wear at rainy season. Don’t use chemical mosquito repellants or apply mosquito repellant creams for your babies without the consent of a pediatrician. A wire mesh on the windows and doors can prevent mosquitoes.

Watch out for diseases

Keep your kids away from persons who are infected and if you are the parent, take necessary medications soon for fast curing. If your baby is sick, don’t try out home remedies. Instead consult a pediatrician as soon as possible.

If you have kids at home, follow these healthy tips during rainy season for keeping them safe and happy. Buy baby care products which are chemical-free and use as prescribed by a pediatrician. Buy quality baby care products in Dubai, from our online store at affordable rates.

Hygiene links have the best baby products, UAE and equipments in the store, satisfying every type of customer needs. We supply high quality cleaning products and essentials for offices, homes and for pet hygiene at reasonable prices and provide the best customer support 24/7.

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