Pet Shampoo – Five Ways It Can Improve The Health Of Pets

Routine bathing is essential for maintaining the hygiene and health of pets. Bathing pets is not easy. You have to bath the pets well using proper products. Common soaps and shampoos used by people cannot be used on your pet dogs or cats. Pet shampoos are not a luxury. They are essential to ensure the cleanliness of pets. Hygiene For All, the finest pet shop in Dubai have wide array of pet hygiene products from trusted and renowned brands. Out pet cleaning products are carefully selected to meet the requirements of pet owners.

Five ways pet shampoo can improve the health of pets.

Detangling Fur

You would love to snuggle up with your furry friends but you should also know that the smooth and attractive fur of the animals has to be maintained well. Without proper bathing and brushing, the fur can get tangled. If not detangled, the fur eventually becomes matted. Matted hair cut the airflow in the pets’ fur. This will trap and retain the moisture on the body of the pets. This can lead to diseases like sores, infections and cause hematomas. Matted fur can also be painful for pets. Dogs like poodles with lot of fur are more prone to tangled fur. Detangling shampoo is a good way to keep the fur of pets from getting matted. Hygiene For All have detangling shampoo from the brand Earthbath which will both condition and detangle the fur.

pH Balance

ph balance of pets skin is not the same as that of humans. For instance the pH balance of dogs is 6.2-7.4. Hence they need special shampoos which can balance their pH level. If proper shampoo is not used on pets the pH level of pet’s skin gets disturbed. This in turn makes their skin prone to bacteria, viruses and parasites. Their skin becomes flaky, dry and cause irritation, scratching and abrasions.


Bathing your pets with water alone will not keep your pets neat and clean. Cleaning your pets with a pet shampoo make them stay fresh and hygienic. Seasonal changes can make the fur of the pets dirty. In summers dust are very likely to get accumulated in the coats of the pets. Pets especially cats and dogs also get infected with ticks, fleas, lice etc. If not bathed routinely using dog shampoo and pet shampoos it will lead to diseases and fur fall among pets. Bugs can also cause pain to pets. Hygiene For All have numerous types of shampoos and pet hygiene products which will ensure the hygiene of your pets.

Keeps coat shiny and healthy

Many pet shampoos come with ingredients that keep the coats of pets shiny and healthy. Shampoos with Vitamin E and Vitamin C extract make the coats of your pet smooth, moisturized, fluffy, and soft. These shampoos will be good on pets with sensitive skin. Shampoos with aloe vera, tea tree oil etc keep the dogs healthy and refreshed. The anti-microbial composition in various shampoos will leave your pets more peaceful, happy and energetic. Gentle on skin they will provide a cooling sensation to pets.

Cure Skin diseases

Pet shampoos help in treating a number of skin diseases. Skin of pets can become dry, oily, itchy, scaly and so on. They can get affected with dandruff, infections and other skin diseases. There are many shampoos available which help in hydrating and curing several skin diseases. Quality shampoos get rid of allergens, bacteria and fungi from the skin of the pets. They also remove the loose hairs and the dead skin cells.

Buy pet hygiene products from Hygiene For All, the best pet shop in Dubai today!

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