Using Less Chemicals In Your Household And More Eco-Friendly Ways To Clean

Are you looking for a blog that will help you to improve the health and cleanliness of your home without using too many chemicals? Then, this is for you.

Simple ways to keep your home clean with eco-friendly products

Many brands are launching eco-friendly house cleaning products online that are not only natural and free from harsh chemicals but also safe for your and your family’s health.

1. Use eco-friendly cleaning products

Use a microfiber cloth, water, and a quality vacuum cleaner to clean your home. Choose a detergent without fragrances if you wish to use one. The best non-toxic cleaning products to use in the home are frequently those that are typical, easily accessible household products and items. These will also help with cost savings. These consist of:

  • Vinegar is a reliable antibacterial cleaner and grease remover.
  • A common cleaning product, sodium bicarbonate i.e. baking soda is a mild abrasive that removes oil and absorbs odors.
  • Cleaning chemical washing soda eliminates grease and laundry stains.
  • Lemon juice is a versatile disinfectant.
2. Makeover your skincare with natural ingredients

The largest organ in the human body, the skin is also quite effective at absorbing substances from its environment. Thus, what we apply to our skin matters. You might not be aware of how many chemicals are present in cosmetics.

The good news is that some of the greatest skincare substitutes might already be in your pantry or laundry cabinet, just like eco-friendly cleaning goods. The following are some natural skincare substitutes:

  • Coconut oil – a skin moisturizer with antimicrobial characteristics.
  • Sodium bicarbonate – Great for deodorant, mouthwash, and a toothpaste.
  • Demerara sugar – is a natural exfoliator that readily dissolves in water.
  • Liquid Castile soap – excellent for making your own shampoo, body washes, or even face washes.

In addition to skincare and cleaning, you can also use it to detox other areas of your home and household routine.

3. Buy more organic foods

Try to purchase organic fruit, veggies, and other fresh goods from nearby producers if you want to further decrease the number of toxins you bring into your home.

Even in rural areas, many retailers that offer organic fruits and vegetables are becoming more prevalent. Also, most supermarkets feature a section of fresh organic foods.

Make sure to check for ingredients such as flavors, preservatives, and colours. Try to prepare more of your meals from scratch and be aware of where your food comes from.

4. Reduce the use of plastic in your home, especially in the kitchen

Avoid storing your foods in plastic, PVC, and polystyrene containers as they contain chemicals that can cause hormonal balance. Food can absorb plastic chemicals if it is heated or frozen in plastic containers. Keep plastic containers for dry items like rice and oats and use glass or metal containers to store your leftovers.

5. Keep your footwear at the door

When you enter your home while wearing shoes, pollutants from the outside, such as pesticides from lawns, can enter. If you have babies or kids who spend a lot of time on the floor, they can breathe in the dust or absorb it when they put their hands in their mouths.

6. Use a good vacuum cleaner

Pick a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter to get rid of pollen, mold, and chemicals in the dust. Choose hard floors rather than carpets that can collect dust. This is a vital point if there are allergy sufferers in the house. Think about installing an air filter in your home as well.

7. Keep insects out of your home

Stopping insects from entering your home in the first place is preferable to spraying insecticide to get rid of one fly. Do not leave pet food out once your dog or cat has finished eating. Keep all food covered and sealed.

Also, use effective fly screens on your windows, clean up after every meal to ensure that there isn’t food or odors that can attract them in the first place, and do not keep compost bins too close to your home.

8. Small changes lead to big impacts

Our exposure to toxins at home can be significantly reduced by making small effective changes. The good news is that the majority of these adjustments are easy to implement, beneficial to the environment, and economical for our household as well. Starting off is simple and economical as well.

How can we help?

Hygiene for all is one of the top suppliers of house cleaning products online in the UAE. We provide you with amazing products for both offices and homes. Your one-stop solution, we provide you with tissue paper products, office cleaning products, home cleaning supplies, Personal protective equipment, baby care, dental care, laundry care, waste bins, and much more.

We provide you with bulk items at wholesale prices. If you are looking for eco-friendly products online, then we are ready to help you. Call us today at (+971) 543575499.

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