Diving into Diesel Exhaust Fluid: Understanding DEF Fuel

Sustainable living is a necessity of this century. As a part of this requirement, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) back in 2010 called for a reduction in the NOx (Nitrogen oxides) emission from diesel engines. The DEF (Diesel Exhaust Fluid) fuels are solutions innovated in this context. Diesel exhaust fluid suppliers emphasize the need for these agents by pointing out an efficacy of 90%.

In short, the working of DEF fuels is based on a mechanism called Selective Catalytic Reduction. When injected into the exhaust system of diesel engines DEF fuels take part in this process and break down NOx into Nitrogen and Water vapor. According to bulk DEF suppliers, this is a harmless compound that is easy to handle and ensures effective pollution control in diesel engines.

A detailed insight into DEF is provided below.

Composition of DEF

This non-toxic, colorless solution contains 32.5 % Urea and 67.5 % deionized water. It is this urea component that triggers the chemical reaction when introduced into the exhaust stream of diesel engines. So this solution is also called an Aqueous Urea Solution 32% or AUS 32.

Selective Catalytic Reduction: An Overview

It is simply a process that breaks down toxic NOx components in diesel engines into harmless Nitrogen and Water Vapour. It requires diesel vehicles or heavy-duty equipment equipped with an SCR system. Once the DEF is injected into the system the chemical reaction as mentioned earlier will reduce the Nitrogen Oxides from exhaust outputs.

The Functions and Importance of DEF in Modern Diesel Engines

  • NOx Reduction

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) NOx emissions from on-road diesel engine vehicles has reduced by about 40 % since the widespread use of DEF. Since NOx are compounds causing smog and acid rain with serious health and environmental impacts the role of DEF is significant.

  • Enhanced Engine and Fuel Efficiency

SCR systems in diesel engines enable engines to operate at optimal combustion temperatures leading to its better performance. According to diesel exhaust fluid suppliers this results in better power output and fuel efficiency in diesel engines.

  • Maintenance and Longevity

DEF and SCR systems facilitate clean exhaust emissions that reduce the build-up of harmful compounds in the exhaust and engine parts. This results in smoother operations, lower maintenance requirements, and longer intervals between services. On the one side, it increases the longevity of the engine. On the other side, it reduces the overall operational cost.

  • Economic Benefits

It is the total of the savings offered by better engine performance, fuel efficiency, and lesser need for maintenance. According to a 2020 report by the International Council on Clean Transportation, the economic benefits of using DEF in diesel engines lead to savings of up to USD 3,000 per year per heavy-duty vehicle

  • Compatibility with Modern Diesel Technologies

Diesel Exhaust Fluid suppliers suggest that these fluids are compatible

with advanced SCR systems and diesel particulate filters (DPFs) in modern diesel engines. According to a 2020 technical paper by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) modern diesel engine technologies which use DEF and SCR systems were found to reduce NOx emissions by about 90% compared to the engines without them. Thus adaptability and efficacy of DEF fluids with systems in modern times are well established.

You must have got a better understanding of the composition, functioning, and importance of DEF with the above sections. Now it is time to choose a reliable bulk DEF supplier who can offer DEF that adheres to quality standards. Hygiene For All Being the leading supplier of these products in the Industry is the best place to begin your search. We are certain that you will get the required product with the best quality from our e-commerce platform.

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