Here’s a List of Reasons Why Your Dog Needs a Shampoo

Do your furry friend need a quick bath? Dogs always are a good companion with whom every pet lover falls in love with. As feeding the right food, training them properly are important, choosing the right products to bathe them is also crucial. Following mistakes in grooming can affect your dog badly. Even though using a human shampoo may seem cost effective and useful, it can bring dangerous health issues for your dog. Hygiene For All, dog shampoo and pet hygiene products supplier is keen believer of right hygiene comes with right products and adequate use.

Human anatomy, skin texture is entirely different from that of your pet’s. using human products on their skin can affect your furry brother adversely. The right dog shampoo retains their original hair texture and treats their skin disease specifically. At Hygiene For All, you can find dog shampoo and pet hygiene products suitable for your dog’s breed and age.

Being a pet parent bring you the responsibility to identify your needs are different from that of your dog’s. And make sure to address them specifically.

Your pet deserves a good and fun induces bath with the right products to regain its beauty, health and identity.

Using specific shampoo that suits your dog is really important. Let us know why?

1. Why not human shampoo?

The PH of the skin of humans and dogs are different. The acid mantle which keeps your skin hydrated plays a crucial role. For humans the PH of the acid mantle is 5.2 to 6.2 and humans shampoo are made to balance this PH. While acid mantle of dogs range from 5.5 to 7.5 making it more alkaline. Thus using humans shampoo for dogs can destroy their acid mantle making them prone to bacterial and parasitic infections. Choosing right dog shampoo is really important for your dog’s health and thereby to maintain PH balance and protection.

2. Dogs shampoo specifically to kill fleas and ticks

Dogs are prone to have fleas and ticks on their furs, if they are social with other dogs. Keeping your dogs clean and hygienic is equally important for the dog’s health and also the health of the family. Getting rid of fleas and ticks will help them from irritation. Specific shampoos to keep away fleas and ticks are really important. It can also be used to fight lice. You are supposed to leave the shampoo on your dog for at least 10 minutes to give it its time to work. It kills the present and fleas and also prevent from new ones to hatch.

3. Shampoo for anti itching and hypoallergenic

Sometimes every dog shampoo may not suit your dog. You have to pick specific dog shampoo to treat the issue of your dog is facing with. Your dog can be allergic with certain fragrances, so using a hypoallergic dig shampoo can help. If the itching is not caused by fleas or food allergy, an anti-allergic fog shampoo might do the job.

4. Magne treatment shampoo

If your dog is suffering from magne, a specific medicated shampoo is supposed to be used. A skin disease caused by Mites is called Magne. A specially medicated dog shampoo can cure Magne or else your dog might face serious effect on immune system.

5. Speciality dog shampoo

Each breed of dog has different texture of skin and fur which needs specific care. Speciality dog shampoo for each breed of dogs will help retain the dog’s original characteristics.

Taking care of your dogs is your responsibility as a pet parent. Hygiene For All, Dog shampoo and pet hygiene products supply, provides everything your pet will need to be healthy.

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