How often should you need to clean your toilet?

We use bathroom and toilet frequently and there is no doubt that these private spaces need to be kept clean and disinfected regularly. Toilets become an abode of germs without a proper cleaning. A smelly and dull toilet causes infections and affects your health. These days, when you give importance to personal hygiene, don’t forget to maintain a clean atmosphere at your home. Make sure your bathrooms and toilets are clean and germ-free. If you wonder how often you should need to clean your toilet, we will give some advices. Read below.

Ideally, toilet needs a deep cleaning once a week. The frequency depends on the number of persons who use the bathroom and how messy it is. If you have more people in the family or you are sharing your place with a bunch of roommates, clean toilet more often as it will be a wise idea to prevent unwanted smells and infections.

Consider giving the toilet an antibacterial wipe at the end of each day, just to get the germs off the seat and handle. We recommend you to use quality toilet cleaner to do the purpose. If there is a sick person in the house, simply set the wipes on the back of the toilet and give a quick wipe after each use. It also prevents grime build-up which will make your weekly deep cleans easier and faster.

How to effectively clean your toilet?

Cleaning tasks are daunting but once you get hang of it and watch the clean space after the process, it’s no more a burden. As a pre-clean rinse, pour hot water in to the toilet bowl and get a toilet bowl cleaner with anti-germ protection to make a through cleansing. The cleaner needs to get up under the rim of the seat and around the entire bowl and leave it for at least an hour before the final cleansing. We recommend Harpic Toilet Cleaner as it removes limescale and stains.

While waiting for the cleaner to do its thing, use disinfectant wipes to clean outside of the toilet such as the areas of toilet seat, the tank, the toilet base and the walls and clean the bathroom floor with a floor cleaner. After an hour, scrub the toilet bowl with a quality toilet brush and remove the extra stains if any. Last but not the least, pour another bucket of hot water into the bowl and then give it a flush. If you like pleasant smells inside the bathroom, use essential oils of your choice. Now you will have a clean and nice smelling bathroom to use all the week long.

At Hygiene for all online shop, we supply the best cleaning products that suits your needs and budget. If you are looking for Harpic Toilet Cleaner Dubai, check the best categories on our store to make a quick order and get a free and fast delivery.

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Hygiene for all is a one stop solution for all your hygiene needs. We supply complete range of high quality cleaning products for home and office at best prices in the market. Our store categorize various products in to home hygiene, office hygiene, labour camp hygiene, tissue products, garbage bags, laundry care, waste bins, PPE, Baby care and Dental care for your everyday needs. We have exclusive offers for you and get a free delivery so fast at your doorstep.

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