How to eliminate bathroom odors

How to eliminate bathroom odors

Even if you clean your bathroom regularly, bad bathroom odors can persist because of bacterial action. Sometimes it may be the fault of the toilet cleaners you use or you don’t have proper ventilation in the bathroom. Unless the toilet drainage is not having any defects, you can try many housekeeping tips to fix the bad odors of the bathroom and freshen up the space. Moreover, we recommend you to buy eco- friendly and quality bathroom cleaning products from a reliable vendor. Here are some basic things to try to fix smelly bathrooms.

Clean bathrooms regularly with an anti- bacterial/anti- stain cleaning solution

Bathrooms and toilet seats have to be regularly cleaned and disinfected. Currently there are numerous brands available in the market for bathroom/toilet cleaners. Choose chemical-free bathroom cleaners with pleasant smell and have manufactured using an eco-friendly formula.

Provide adequate ventilation to your bathroom

Proper ventilation is necessary to keep away the foul odors. Overhead fans can prevent those bad smells after every toilet use. Make sure to ventilate and open windows of the bathroom even after a hot shower. Also clean the ventilation fan at least twice a year.

Use Odor Eliminators

Air fresheners do not eliminate the bad odors but just cover the smell. Whereas odor eliminators help to neutralize odors well and cover the smells effectively. But you can use air fresheners after the regular bathroom cleaning task for a fresh start. Choose an effective odor eliminator and a best air freshener for home, which works right for your toilet with natural contents.

Air Purifiers to improve air circulation

Air purifiers, purify the air inside a bathroom and removes odor-causing bacteria from the bathroom. This simple plug-in device improves the air circulation and works well to remove bad odors along with odor eliminators.

Use desiccants to prevent mildews

At humid weathers, the excess water content can grow mildews in bathroom. Synthetic desiccants like silica gel and natural desiccants like ferns or lilies can absorb water content from bathroom floors and walls and prevent odors. Synthetic desiccants are toxic. Therefore keep them away from children.

Toilet Sanitizer Spray

This is an innovative product designed to sanitize the toilets and prevents foul odor. Toilet sanitizer sprays kills bacteria and germs in the bathroom and prevents infection. You can find different branded toilet sanitizer sprays in the market with variety of fragrances. Get your favorite scented toilet sanitizer spray from Hygiene for all online shop at affordable rates.

Effective bathroom cleaning tips for you

You can try some simple yet effective tips while cleaning your bathrooms apart from the above suggestions. Find them here.

  • Add two drops of your favorite essential oil to a bucket of water and cleanse the bathroom tiles and toilet bowls after the regular cleaning. They provide pleasant smell to the bathroom, which can persist for the whole day.
  • Make sure to clean and wipe the bathroom walls regularly, along with floor and toilet cleaning.
  • Clean out drains if you find water backing up. Because the clogs create bathroom odors and keeps bathrooms unhealthy. Use a plunger or Zip-it tool to remove clogs.
  • Use vinegar and baking soda to clean the mold build-up.

Make use of these bathroom cleaning tips to prevent bad odors and to keep your bathrooms healthy. Do a careful shopping for cleaning products as these are essential to keep your house clean. Buy only standard quality products, manufactured using eco-friendly formulas and chemical free solutions for a complete germ protection. Get exclusive deals for bathroom cleaning products from Hygiene for all online shop. Order your favorite cleaning essentials for home, offices or for pets from our website, at best prices in the market.

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