Top 5 Ways to Reduce Waste and Recycle at Your Office

Top 5 Ways to Reduce Waste and Recycle at Your Office

The office is a space where a lot of stationery waste is generated. Compostable waste materials are negligible compared to the volume of paper and plastic waste in offices.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA, USA) estimates that paper and paperboards alone constitute 25 percent of landfill waste and 33 percent of municipal waste. The responsibility of office waste in creating this scenario cannot be overlooked.

Another major waste produced by offices is e-waste. If data from is to be believed 53.6 million metric tons of e-waste was generated in 2020. This is expected to increase by about 50 percent in 2030. This is yet another case which office waste stands answerable for.

In these contexts, effective strategies to reduce and recycle waste at offices are a necessity.

Top 5 Ways to Reduce and Recycle Office Waste

  1. Implement Separate Bin for Recyclables

Sorting waste materials is the most difficult task in waste management.

Thus it will be best to keep separate recycle bins Dubai for efficient waste management.

Keep a centralized recycling bin. Entrust employees to handle their cubicle waste on their own. In this way, they will understand which waste is recyclable and which is compostable. A better understanding of the waste generated is essential for its management. Employee participation will be beneficial in this light.

  1. Paper Waste Management

  • Reduce: Paper is often printed unnecessarily. Restricting printer use and incentivizing employees who use minimum paper is a way to reduce printing. Shifting to the digital realm for communications and presentations is also recommended to reduce its use.
  • Reuse: Printing paper in draft mode using fewer inks gives reusable papers printed in light colors. It is preferable to print both sides of the paper. In case it is printed on one side only, allot a space to keep it for reuse. You can also consider donating it to a low-income school.
  • Recycle: Waste bins Dubai color-coded for paper waste helps to sort them for recycling. You can also collaborate with office supplies providers to pack supplies in recyclable or reusable materials.
  1. Compost Waste bins in the Office Pantry

Even compostable waste is not good for landfills. Thus placing recycle bins Dubai color-coded for compostable materials near the office pantry is necessary. Diverting those waste from landfills to manure and soil preservation efforts will be a wise decision.

  1. Ensure Accessibility of Recycling Bins

Placing recycling bins in reachable locations is required to avoid littering and proper waste collection. In the case of pantries consider keeping them on the exit points. A central waste bin combined with separate bins for each cubicle helps to handle stationery waste. Locations near printers are a good place to use paper recycling bins.

  1. Conduct Recycling Awareness Programs

Educating the employees is paramount to waste handling in offices. The three Rs of waste management, Reduce, Recycle, and Reuse, must be emphasized in such campaigns. Most offices have a culture of celebrating ‘employee of the month’ titles. Adding green points in such rankings will give additional motivation for the judicious use of resources. Thus waste can be reduced to a considerable amount.

E-waste also requires to be sorted and directed to recycling plants. An efficient waste management system in offices will account for the obsolete computers, printers, and other electronics piling up in store rooms.

Bins has been the central figure of our discourse so far. Durable and elegant recycle bins coming from reputed brands improve your brand perception as well. This will be another motivation for employees to use these bins. Obsolete designs and worn-out bins will not be helpful. Such recycle bins Dubai coming from reputed brands such as Hygiene Links, Hi Care, Floret, and Cosmoplast are available on the e-commerce website of Hygiene For All. Reach out to us to explore the best waste bins Dubai for your office spaces.

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